Since 1976 we are dedicated to the production and sale of
products aimed at the hvac and comfort.


On this page, you may read the conditions under which Haufmann CALEFACCION S. Coop. provides you with contents and services from this web site which you automatically accept on visiting it. These are the Conditions for Use of the web site.Pertenecemos así, al grupo empresarial más importante del País Vasco, ocupando además el décimo lugar en el ranking de empresas en España por número de personas empleadas y facturación.

Identification of our company

Haufmann CALEFACCION S. Coop.: SIlcherstrasse 51, 72661 Baltmansweiler, Germany

Acceptance of these Conditions

The mere fact that you visit this web site implies that you know, understand and accept the Conditions for Use in the existing version at the time of access. Given that, in accordance with the regulations in force at any given time, the Conditions may be subject to modification, we recommend that, whenever you visit this web site, you consult these regulations as well as our Privacy Policy.

The object of the site. Immunity from responsibilities.

Through this web site, we supply information on services and/or products which we offer or commercialise. This information is offered exactly as the user sees it and Haufmann accepts no responsibility for any possible harm caused by:

The non-existence of information or services and/or products offered, inaccuracy, lack of updating or mistakes in the access to part or all of the contents of this web site or others to which access may be gained through this web site.

The loss of information or harm done to equipment as a result of the use of this web site or others to which access may be gained through this web site.

Use of the web site

You are aware of the fact that you use this web site at your own risk and you accept this fact voluntarily and implicitly when you visit this site.

Furthermore, you consent to not using any of the contents in the web site for illicit purposes or in such a way that such use would threaten public order, morals and commonly accepted customs. In particular, but in no way that might imply any limitation of what has heretofore been established, you also commit yourself to not obtaining, reproducing or distributing the contents displayed on this web site unless they are for personal, non-lucrative use.


All trademarks, trade names or logos of any type which appear on the web site are the property of Haufmann CALEFACCION S. Coop. or third parties and it may not be construed that access to the web site grants you any rights over any trademarks, trade names and/or logos.

Furthermore, the contents, which belong to our company or to third parties, are protected by copyright and no operation rights which exist or may exist over them may be construed as being granted to you.

Legislation which is applicable

These Conditions for Use are ruled by Spanish legislation.

Haufmann CALEFACCION S. Coop. and the user undertake to appear before the Courts or Tribunals of Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa) for any controversy which might result from any services rendered and which are the object of these Conditions for Use.